thrash out

英 [θræʃ aʊt] 美 [θræʃ aʊt]

经反复讨论制订出(计划、协议); 讨论解决,商讨解决(问题、争端)


  1. PHRASAL VERB 经反复讨论制订出(计划、协议)
    If people thrash out something such as a plan or an agreement, they decide on it after a great deal of discussion.
    1. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula...
    2. How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.
  2. PHRASAL VERB 讨论解决,商讨解决(问题、争端)
    If people thrash out a problem or a dispute, they discuss it thoroughly until they reach an agreement.
    1. ...a sincere effort by two people to thrash out differences about which they have strong feelings.


  1. The foreign ministers have thrashed out a suitable compromise formula
  2. How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out.
  3. Never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement.
  4. Overall, couples took longer to heal when asked to thrash out points of conflict than neutral issues.
  5. The meeting lasted until well into the night as the two sides tried to thrash out their differences once and for all.
  6. Both China and Germany are part of the six-nation group that is trying to thrash out a nuclear deal with Iran. Merkel has been a key figure in trying to reduce tensions in Ukraine and get Russia to cooperate.
  7. As France's erstwhile first lady flew to India yesterday on a humanitarian assignment, friends said she was expecting to thrash out a financial settlement with the head of state upon her return.
  8. You'll have to thrash out the question among yourselves.
  9. Teachers should encourage their students to come up with contradictory opinions at academic discussions, to thrash out problems for themselves, and to draw conclusions of their own.
  10. Davos next week and the G7 meeting thereafter will be good venues to thrash all this out.
  11. Meanwhile, with the pressures on them suspended, Hamas and Fatah would have a year to thrash out a deal on a joint government.
  12. During difficult moments in recent negotiations on North Korea's nuclear programme, China's chief negotiator, Wu Dawei, sometimes slipped away to thrash out problems over a round of golf with his South Korean counterpart. Such out-of-work encounters should come as no surprise.
  13. We'll thrash this out after dinner.
  14. If John won't tell, we shall have to thrash the truth out of him.
  15. Hordes of environmental activists mingled with heads of state at the Copenhagen conference on climate change, at which governments tried to thrash out agreements to reduce emissions.
  16. If he refused to speak out the truth, thrash it out.
  17. Let there be a great debate to thrash out the question of line.
  18. By the time an FDA advisory panel met this week to thrash out whether Avandia should be withdrawn or its use limited ( it was due to vote yesterday afternoon), Congress had made up its own mind.
  19. If we always make pilot studies on specific problems, taking several years to resolve just a few of them, progress will be too slow. As we move from theory to practice in this regard, we will have to thrash out a great many specific problems.
  20. The banks met last week in an effort to thrash out the terms of that voluntary plan.
  21. Marseille hope to thrash out a deal to keep Djibril Cisse on loan from Liverpool from another year.
  22. I suggest every province should also convene an all-province conference of cadres from three or four levels, with some from the co-operatives, to thrash out problems.
  23. I'm afraid you'll have to thrash out that question among yourselves. The shape of a liquid globule in a free-falling elevator is calculated.
  24. Both sides hope to thrash out an agreement by next week.
  25. We have got a very urgent priorities problem to thrash out.
  26. In this dissertation, the kernel issue will mainly deal with and thrash out the application of study tactic in the process of sports skills learning.
  27. This paper thrash out these through studied the city newspaper as model.
  28. So people begin to thrash out the way of traffic crowding and jamming, now fremdness have developed intelligent system which measure the flux of vehicle to implement traffic command.
  29. The study of innovatory polyurethane rigid foam filled with nano-particles gradually become the focus in the realm of modified plastic, because the problem of relatively low intensity and compression strength resulted from agglomeration of reinforcing phase urgently desire to be thrash out.
  30. Thrash out a detailed information disclosure system, act on it strictly and focus on the management of investor relationship.



  1. discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement
    1. The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement

    Synonym:    hammer out